November has come along and my little monkey body is now insured by Oxford health insurance. Although I pay a price way too high to even mention (and its one of the cheapest!), I have to say that last week's yearly check up was quite a pleasant experience.
Being used to the socialized system in Spain made me spoiled in the sense that it now seems so absurd to me that you have to pay for something which is so basic and necessary for human existence. However, the USA is now spoiling me in the quality of the care. I mean when I walked into this doctor's office I did not think I was going for check up. There were soft suede couches, huge windows and a sleek modern design to make one feel way more at home than the hard chairs and white walls at my doctor's office in Spain.

Articles 3 and 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights state:
- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
- Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services. (
Most people cannot afford health insurance in the USA, yet so many countries have developed adequate to wonderful systems which are completely free. Where have our priorities gone?
No one should have to choose between life/security and health insurance.
It should be considered a human right.
yes. this is what happens when big corporations run things. there is no conscience. the bottom line is the dollar . not the best for the people. totally bizarre and we let it happen. we vote with our wallets.